

Forge Venture Rubric

The primary objective of the Forge Venture Rubric is to validate the startup's potential to emerge as a winning technology/product in the industrial market and a high-growth industrial technology company. The added benefit of this assessment is the identification of specific interventions that are critically needed to accelerate the startups towards technology, product, market, and growth outcomes.
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How will this Rubric help you?

On a scale of 100, the FVR Score represents a quantitative indicator of the inherent potential of a startup scaling technologies and solutions targeting industrial digital transformation. Through this assessment, we identify the specific interventions that are critically needed to accelerate the startup towards technology, product, market, and growth outcomes.

Evidence and Indicators to be looked for, and the data to be analysed as the basis for scoring your startup against this rubric are indicated under the 24 attributes-4 attributes per 6 primary diagnostic parameters, defined in the rubric.

Market Opportunity

Evaluate your Growth potential in terms of emerging as an industrial tech venture in the 5-7 years timeframe

Technology Advantages

Understanding your enduring edge over competitors and your ability to impact multiple product markets across different industrial sectors

Team & Capabilities

Evaluate your team’s expertise & capabilities to realise the product vision along with the partner networks

Product Readiness

Get to know how far you are from Product Market Fit. Is it production ready, passing all the necessary certifications

Product Advantages

Delineate your distinctive product advantages over competitors

Growth Readiness

Get to know your sustainable competitive edges, growth levers and iron out the Unit Economics